Job Application Form

Optional if you provided a Linkedin profile
The resume is optional if you have a Linkedin profile
 Z oddajo prijave na delovno mesto oz. v bazo talentov dovoljujem, da me podjetje BEVO d.o.o.  obvešča o kariernih dogodkih in priložnostih v podjetju do preklica na podane kontaktne podatke. // By submitting my application for employment or to the talent pool, I hereby grant permission for BEVO d.o.o. to contact me via provided contact details about career events and opportunities until further notice.
Job Description
Sales, marketing & brand talent pool
Bevo d.o.o.

Time to Answer

Whenever a relevant position opens up


1 Online Screening Call

2 Onsite Interviews

Meet the team session

Days to get an Offer

5 Days after the final step